KITSAP Application Header Image

Kansas International Trade Show Assistance Program

Kansas International Trade Show Assistance Program (KITSAP) guidelines require this application be submitted at least 30 days prior to the trade show for which a company is applying. Applications will only be considered for physical or virtual trade shows where the applicant is exhibiting for the first time, or where the applicant is introducing a new technology or product to the market for the first time. View a full list of eligible expenses by reviewing the KITSAP Program Guidelines.

Companies who apply for and are approved for KITSAP are eligible to receive reimbursement for one-half of eligible direct expenses up to $3,500 per show, not to exceed $7,000 in total financial assistance during the state’s fiscal year (July 1-June 30). Individual KITSAP applications must be submitted for each trade show for which reimbursement is being sought.

We apologize, but you are not qualified because you are applying in less than 30 days from the 1st day of the activity. We encourage you to apply for KITSAP or KITMAP next time within the proper time frame.


Please upload a signed copy of the Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment form found here.

Please upload a signed copy of the Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment form.*
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File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.

Please fill out and upload W-9 form found here.

Please fill out and upload W-9 form.*
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File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.

Please fill out and upload OPC form found here.

Please fill out and upload OPC form.*
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.


Company Address
If the company does not have a public website, please upload a company brochure or product summary.
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
To include more than one brochure, please combine into one PDF or into a .zip file.File size should not exceed 10MB.
Should be a single number close to your current employee number. Ex 50 or 350 not 10 to 30.
Year only
Year only
To select multiple countries, hold down the Ctrl on your keyboard while making your selections.


Contact Name*

A copy of the application will be sent to this email address upon submission.

Note: If save and resume is used please double check uploads and field values when returning to finish application. Thank you.


Please use name of event and year if possible. Thank you.
Please upload documentation that verifies your company's participation in this trade show. Contracts and invoices are acceptable. *
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
To include more than one document, please combine into one PDF or into a .zip file. File size should not exceed 10MB.
First Day of Trade Show*
Final Day of Trade Show*

Names and Titles of Employee(s) Attending Trade Show

If you have more than three (3) staff attending the trade show, you may upload a full list of your attendees here.
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
File must be no larger than 10MB

Note: If save and resume is used please double check uploads and field values when returning to finish application. Thank you.


Company Estimates ($)

Expense Description
Expense Description
Expense Description
Expense Description
Expense Description


Adds all fields above automatically

Note: If save and resume is used please double check uploads and field values when returning to finish application. Thank you.


Submission of this application does not constitute an agreement with the Kansas Department of Commerce. If the application is approved, the applicant will be notified by email and agrees to enter into a written contract with the state of Kansas within 14 days of its receipt, or prior to the first day of the funded trade show, which ever occurs first. The company further agrees to abide by the guidelines outlined by the Kansas International Trade Show Assistance Program.

Your Name*
Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above

Note: If save and resume is used please double check uploads and field values when returning to finish application. Thank you.

Submission Date
Save and Resume Later
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